About the project

RecoASIA – Regional Cooperation in the field of recognition among Asian Countries

The RecoASIA project aims at favouring and increasing the quality of vertical and horizontal mobility of international students and professionals within the Asian and European higher education systems by increasing the recognition of qualifications within the Asian and European Region.

In the framework of the project, all partners worked together to improve their competences and skills as credential evaluators defining common practices and creating common tools among the participating European and Asian countries, National Bodies and Higher Education Institutions. The sharing of relevant information on the educational systems, recognition practices and mobility flows of both regions are important contributions to facilitate mutual trust and understanding.

To achieve the above-mentioned results the project activities have been organised in the following Work Packages (WPs):

List of Work Packages

WP1 | Analysis of mobility flows and recognition practises within Partner countries

WP2 | Reinforce the role and the activities of National Information Centres (NIC) at governmental level

WP3 | National Reports on higher education systems and qualifications recognition procedures

WP4 | Reinforce competencies on the internationalisation of higher education worldwide and recognition issues within Asian countries

WP5 | Establishing rules and guidelines for evaluating non-traditional, TNE and distance learning institutions and analysing the diploma mill phenomenon

WP6 | Recognition of qualifications of refugees, displaced persons and persons in refugee-like situation

WP7 | Ensuring the project’s sustainability

WP8 | Dissemination of the project results

Main project outcomes

  • Analysis of mobility flows and recognition practices within Partner countries (WP1)
  • Reinforce the role and the activities of National Information Centres (NIC) at governmental level (WP2)
  • National Reports on higher education systems and qualifications recognition procedures (WP3)
  • Reinforce competencies on the internationalization of higher education worldwide and recognition issues with Asian countries (WP4)
  • Establishing rules and guidelines for the evaluation of non-traditional, cross-border or trans-national education and distance learning institutions and analysing verification procedures (WP5)
  • Recognition of qualifications of refugees, displaced persons and persons in refugee-like situation (WP6)
  • Support the sustainability of the results in the medium-long term by promoting the signature of a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by NICs of Partner countries and NARIC centres (WP7)
  • Communication activities and dissemination of results both in Asia and in Europe (WP8)