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Online training to reinforce the role and the activities of NICs at governmental level (WP2)

The online training was included in the Work Package 2 of the project: Reinforce the role and the activities of National Information Centres (NIC) at governmental level; it was addressed to RecoASIA Ministries and NICs. 35 officers and experts from 5 RecoASIA partner NICs and associate partners participated and successfully completed it.

The online training (4th June 2020 – 4th September 2020), was composed by 3 modules:

  • MODULE 1 – Understanding higher education systems, including their historical origins and how they have influenced educational terminology still in use today; the main characteristics and categories of Higher Education institutions in different contexts; the core elements characterising qualifications and qualification frameworks.
  • MODULE 2 – Recognition procedures, including both academic and professional recognition procedures, the Lisbon Convention and the Tokyo convention, the documents needed and the resources available to support recognition procedures.
  • MODULE 3 – How to create/manage an efficient national recognition centre in line with international practices.

All materials are available on the restricted area of the RecoASIA website.

Participant satisfaction

The on-line training has provided me with a wide range of knowledge and information on HE systems and helped me better understand the nature of qualifications.

The on-line training has provided me with a wide range of knowledge and information on HE systems and helped me better understand the nature of qualifications.

The on-line training has provided me with a wide range of knowledge and information on HE systems and helped me better understand the nature of qualifications.