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International Conference “Strengthening capacity for internationalization of higher education in the area of credential recognition among EU and Asian countries” Hanoi, 03.10.2022

On 3rd and 4th October 2022, the international conference “Strengthening capacity for internationalization of higher education in the area of credential recognition among EU and Asian countries” was held at the Hanoi University, gathering RecoASIA project partners and Vietnamese higher education institutions.

It was an opportunity to present the systems and take stock of the results obtained. The partners confirmed their commitment and motivation towards the co-operation for the international academic and professional mobility.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to a seminar on “Recognition of Refugee Qualifications”. The main objective was to share skills and knowledge related to the evaluation methodology of the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees, developed by the Council of Europe in partnership with the ENIC-NARIC centres for the recognition of refugee qualifications in cases of partial or no documentation, in compliance with Article VII of the Lisbon Convention for the recognition of qualifications.

Therefore, each country had the possibility to inform about the current situation on the refugee qualifications issue in their country.

The visit proved to be an important moment for project progress and an opportunity for future cooperation between the parties.

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