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RecoASIA Final Conference, Bangkok, 17.10.2023

On 17th and 18th October 2023, the final conference of the project RecoASIA was held in Bangkok, Thailand, gathering participants from Ministries and higher education institutions, project partners and representatives from UNESCO Bangkok and ASEAN secretariat.

During the opening day, project coordinators from the University of L’Aquila summarised the project results, presenting the deliverables produced and the goals achieved.

The roundtable on “Policy reflections: driving towards a more harmonized higher education space”, focused on policies in the field of Higher Education. It has been discussed the role of the harmonisation process of Higher Education in Asia and Europe, in the process of promoting international mobility among the two regions, and further ways to cooperate among the two regions.

Participants had the chance to share their thoughts and the project impact on their recognition procedures and how their organisations benefited from the RecoASIA activities.

Digitalisation was a topic discussed in the perspective of providing high-quality data sharing and countering education fraud, a topic that has been touched during the project implementation. Other key areas of interest highlighted during the final conference, useful for a further work for cooperation (also beyond the project framework) have been transnational education and recognition of refugee qualifications with incomplete documentation.

During the final conference, the importance of the national reports created in the framework of RecoASIA project has been underlined as well, being such tools relevant for the work of credential evaluators evaluating qualifications from partner countries.

​During the second and last day of conference, participants visited Mahidol University campus, where the Steering Committee has held the last two sessions discussing project sustainability, financial management issues and future possibilities for cooperation.

Download the agenda