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Training in Rome

In the framework of the EU co-funded project RecoASIA, an in-presence three-day training has been organized in Rome, at LUISS university premises. The training was targeted at staff of competent authorities, Higher Education Institutions and National Information Centres of partner countries. From 27th to 29th...

Cycle of training meetings on the role of NICs and recognition of qualifications (WP2)

These meetings, held online in the period from 11th November and 4th December 2020, were addressed to RecoASIA National Information Centres and aimed at strengthening the capacities of the NICs in dealing with academic recognition. After Credential evaluators from CIMEA and HARNO presented their experiences and models , the meetings focused on the application...

Online training to reinforce competencies on the internationalisation of higher education (WP4)

The online training was included in the Work Package 4 of the project: Reinforce competencies on the internationalisation of higher education; it was addressed to higher education institutions involved in the RecoASIA project. More than 90 officers and experts from 9 RecoASIA partner higher education institutions successfully completed the training by...

Online training to reinforce the role and the activities of NICs at governmental level (WP2)

The online training was included in the Work Package 2 of the project: Reinforce the role and the activities of National Information Centres (NIC) at governmental level; it was addressed to RecoASIA Ministries and NICs. 35 officers and experts from 5 RecoASIA partner NICs and associate partners participated and successfully completed it. The online training...